Thoughtful, Determined Re-emerging

The best way to support each other is having sessions. Cleaning the garbage out of our backpacks will let us walk lighter. We need to clean up all the 'isms' that keep us dragging our feet-for example, clean up the sexism and internalized sexism that keep men and women separated and not supporting each other. Cleaning up our distress will allow us to support each other spontaneously.

Time pressure can be an obstacle to setting up sessions. We feel trapped by the many things we 'have' to do. We buy into the rush of industrialized capitalist society that tries to impose on us so many false needs. But even though we are not yet able to simplify our lives and get rid of the pressures, we are able to figure out alternatives. One of them is to set up classes and sessions during odd times of the day. I feel proud of the group of women who are taking my RC class in Castroville. The class is from 6:30 to 9:00 in the morning. What better way to start the day? We get the attention, the love, the laughter that we are longing for. Another example is two RCers having sessions at 5:00 a.m. There is a saying in Spanish that goes like this: Quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda (The early bird gets the worm).

Yolanda Provoste
Santa Cruz, California,
(reprinted from the newsletter of the Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay RC Community)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00