The Filipino Presence at the East Asian Conference

The East Asian Pre-World-Conference Conference in Japan was very good. It was good to be with the Filipinos so soon after our initial workshop in March. We did much to further our relationships with each other and to organize, plan, and share information about building the Community in Manila.

We had a Filipino support group and a chance to really look at some internalized oppression, using the fact that we were in Japan.

Diane and Tim provided the opportunity for there to be a panel of the Filipino and Chinese RCers. It was a moving and important moment for the Filipinos. We got to say some direct things to the Japanese and to the USers about being Filipino and about the brutal occupations of the Philippines.

We were quite visible. We sang 'Bayan Ko' (My Country), a song about the liberation of the Philippines that was sung a lot in protest of the Marcos dictatorship.

It was wonderful for me to see the Japanese RC Community and to meet more of the Chinese RCers. It was wonderful to be there with Dan Kwong, Jan Yoshiwara, and Francie Chew as Asian Americans. We all found a home in Asia and at the same time got an even better picture of how our experience as Asian Americans is different than that of Asians living in Asia.

The conference was a wonderful success. The Japanese RC Community, as the host, was incredible. They were so welcoming. Everything was smooth. Before and after the workshop, many of us got to see some of Japanese and Tokyo life. And the coordination and carrying out of the translating was superb. At times there was triple translation going on! It was wonderful to see what Yuho has built there in Japan-a very solid, growing Community.

Next steps for me and Filipino liberation:

  • A fundamentals class is forming in Manila, and I will be in frequent contact with the leader.
  • I have a draft of an International Liberation Reference Person letter to go out.
  • Shiom is traveling to the Philippines again in September. She and I will be in touch about what she can add to what is happening there.
  • I will also be in touch with upcoming leaders.
  • I want to move the Filipinos here in the U.S. I have called individuals. I will recruit and meet with Filipino Americans at Francie's workshop in June as well.
  • I will also move on with translations of literature.

Teresa Enrico
Portland, Oregon,

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00